Good friend and fellow 3D geek, Jim Girard will be hosting his first webinar on T-Splines on Jun 25, 2014. This webinar will explain the benefits and nuances of T-Splines/subd “sub-division” surface modeling, and how tag team strategies between Rhino 5 and T-Splines can be used for exquisite form development and easily initiated changes.
The webinar is free and will last about one hour, including the Q & A session. For more information, check out the novedge blog post. Special guest will be Matt Sederberg, founder of T-Splines before the acquisition, and current Product Manager at Autodesk, Inc.
- WHO: Jim Girard
- WHAT: T-Splines for Rhino Free Webinar
- WHEN: LIVE! Wednesday, June 25, 2014 — 11:00am PDT, recorded for later viewing
- WHERE: On the internet at Novedge
- WHY: T-Splines is amazing. You need it.